S t a t e m e n t
Hungarian painter Ákos Ezer currently lives and works in Munich and has participated in a number of group and solo shows around Europe in cities like Budapest, Prague, Munich, London and others.
Ákos describes the subject matter of his paintings as follows:
“The heroes of my stories, with their activities are searching for their own roots – individual histories which they have inherited from art, and especially from painting. Their movements reflect their own pasts, and crystallize in their present. I think of their environment as a fabric which tries to find it’s own shape, which with its tangled fibers waits for a final arrangement.
I think of the process of painting as a kind of game, where the main emphasis is on exploring
the different aspects of painting, and trying out diverse painterly roles. A picture is never homogeneus, because I never think alike about the various elements which build up my paintings. My pictorial choices are completely subjective: I paint whatever I want to paint. The motifs, which I have used before can reoccure in other context, or with slight changes.
The picture starts its life on the canvas. The end result is a product of discussion between me, my painterly tools and the canvas. With the expansion of the motifs I dont exclude things, on the contrary I strive to include more and more. With the incorporation and use of different styles I communicate my pictorial taste, but I don’t want to confine myself with setting barriers to stylistic matters. The paintings are made through a continious diologue between the previous marks I have made, and my own reactions to these marks.
My artworks are seemingly different, because my goal was not to reflect on a single topic, or phenomenon. These pictures are different ideas and each shows their possible painting solutions.
When I paint, I build my paintings, as if I make a plotting board. I begin by selecting the space planes, then come the grassing, and the placement of landmarks. Then I use the result (perspective, color context, environmental elements) as reference to positioning of their own function, role searching figures in the picture space.
The method of the painting is a kind of chain reaction, which stages generated by the actual image.
If I paint just very rarely use a sketch or photo, so giving chance for every opportunity. In addition, I always search, keep looking, and process the external visual effects, which are coming to me through the art blogs to the billboards. This continuous contemplation creates the toolbar which I use during the actual work. The reason for the diversity of images (style pluralism) is rooted in the use of these wide visual resources. Evaluation, and override my own decisions, generate the moves forward the composition, tilts the color harmony and tip off the new force elements, integrating or overwrite the old forms.
I am interested in the modern and the classic affair, the web of reality infiltrating supernaturally phenomena. Next to the painterly values find, and leave place to the errors, and accidents caused aesthetic. Completion of the images (discontinued) or repaint them is the end or resumption of the series or decision.
Remembering is painting. And vice versa. The heroes of my stories, with their activities are searching for their own roots – individual histories which they have inherited from art, and especially from painting. Their movements reflect their own pasts, and crystallize in their present. I think of their environment as a fabric which tries to find it’s own shape, which with its tangled fibers waits for a final arrangement. The birth of each new stroke of color and each new shape is dependant on the already existing ones. The representation of the immanent content of the painting causes consistency, and fullfillment within itself. Similar to breathing, it serves only its own existence. It doesn’t want to replace anything outside it’s own borders, this way deficiency doesn’t occure on its own side either.”