Adéla Součková is Prague- and Berlin-based artist. In her artwork, Součková develops complex critical and pictorial language that ranges from drawing, performance, installation, video performance to poetry. She also collaborates with video and sound artists and her exhibitions are unique and complex experience. Součková exhibits widely, gives workshops at universities and public galleries, and her work has won wide critical acclaim.
She has been nominated twice for the Czech Award for Young Czech Artists (2014, 2015). Součková’s latest exhibitions are dealing with enviromental psychology. This September she realised “The Virtual Cave and the Golden Cage”(2016, Zwitschermaschine, Berlin) where she created procesual performative drawing reflecting technological pollution– as part of Gallery Week Berlin – which appeared on front covers of Der Tagesspiegel, and Berliner Morgenpost. She was interviewed by Tip Berlin Magazine and ZDF.
Among her other exhibitions, Součková performed a solo exhibition in gallery label201 (2015, Rome) and Kostka Gallery (Meetfactory, Prague 2015). Selected group exhibitions include “Du sollst deinen Vater und deine Mutter ehren” curated by Eugen Blume (Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin), Matthias Fluege (HfBK Dresden) and Mark Lammert (UdK Berlin), Guardini Stiftung Galerie Berlin (2014) and “Ansamlungcampoi” Pilotprojekt (Dusseldorf, 2013).
Součková’s publications include two author books The Atlas of Underskin Experience (Ausdruck Books, 2012) and Questions (Divus, 2014). Součková’s third book is to be published in 2017.
Adéla Součková also gives workshops on motion in drawing and different qualities of movement (e.g. The Brno House of Arts, 2016; Purkyně University, Ústi nad Labem, 2014). In her teaching, Součková utilizes her advanced knowledge of Bodyweather, a movement practice stemming from Butoh.
Součková graduated in 2014 with two diplomas, one from the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague (2007–2014) and the other from the Academy of Fine Arts Dresden (2012–2014) where she recieved her Master’s degree this year. For this particular postgraduate study, she received Deutsch-Tschechischer Zukunftsfonds scholarship.