Eszter Kinga Deli

  • Hungary (b. 1977 in Budapest)
  • Currently in Brussels, Belgium.
  • In her works, Eszter Kinga DELI focuses on vulnerability as a necessary state for openness. She is creating images which hold the tension of a possible metamorphosis.


  • 2008
  • Oil on Canvas
  • 50 x 150 cm
  • Exclusivity / Kizárólagosság - thumbnail Alice 1 - thumbnail Alice 2 - thumbnail Tiamo - thumbnail Personal / Személyes - thumbnail Missing Mirror / Vak Tükör - thumbnail Through the Looking Glass / Alice Tükörországban - thumbnail Missing Mirror - Grandma / Vaktükör - Nagymama - thumbnail Missing Mirror - Selfportrait / Vaktükör - Önarckép - thumbnail Gun-looking Object / Fegyvernek Látszó Tárgy - thumbnail

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    Missing Mirrors / Vaktükör | 2000 - 2010

The motion which draws the reflection on the mirror’s surface also simultaneously removes it: both represents and covers it. It is a similar how memories are fixed. The memory covers, substitutes the event, object, person on which it is based. As it is being build it is also simplifies, summarizes, compacts. Prepares a place for reception.