Ivan Dudáš

  • Slovakia (b. 1980 in Trnava)
  • Currently in Trnava, Slovakia.
  • Ivan Dudáš is Slovak visual artist in media , video installations, installations and performance.

Art Visa, 2004 & 2015

  • 2015

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  • Sn c3 admka 20obrazovky 202017 04 15 20o c2 a023.10.10
  • Sn c3 admka 20obrazovky 202017 04 15 20o c2 a023.10.44
  • Art Visa, 2004 & 2015 - thumbnail

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    ART VISA 2004 & 2015 | 2015

,, Enter the gallery on a visa '' '

Performance within the vernissage project / exhibition - Believe it you fucker 

Responding to the events after the fall of the twin towers on the increased security checks at US airports, transposed to an artistic situation and environment.
Action performance thus refers to the global development, criticism of this development and also within released game it becomes artistic project itself.
On the presented vernissage, everybody who wanted to participate had to undergo a control procedure ,, transmit fingerprint, sign and let be photographed and subsequently obtained stamp in the form of a visa to the exhibition / vernissage. The Performance ,,Art Visa 2015,, is a reinterpretation and recycling of artistic events of 2004 and responding to current global developments that have similar aspects ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ,,Vstup do galérie na vízum’’' Peformance v rámci vernisáže projektu/ výstavy Tomu ver ty kokot Reakcia na udalosti po páde dvojičiek, na sprísnené bezpečnostné kontroly na amerických letiskách, transponovaná na umeleckú situáciu a prostredie. Akčná performance odkazuje teda aj na svetový vývoj, kritiku tohto vývoja a zároveň uvoľnenou hrou sa sama stáva umeleckým projektom. Na predmetnej vernisáži každý kto sa jej chcel zúčastniť musel podstúpiť ,,kontrolnú procedúru,, odovzdať odtlačok prstov, podpísať sa a nechat sa vyfotografovať, následne dostal pečiatku v podobe daného víza na výstavu/vernisáž.