Martin Kohout

  • Czech Republic (b. 1984 in Prague)
  • Currently in Berlin, Germany.
  • I live and work between Berlin and Prague. I work in various media from film to installation and object and I also run a publishing house TLTRPreß and produce sonic works under the moniker TOLE.


  • Polansky Gallery
  • Prague, Czech Republic


  • 2014

  • 0
  •  mg 1595
  •  mg 1373
  • video - thumbnail

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    Sjezd | 2014

A video entirely shot with a mobile phone grinding various surfaces along paths of walking and hiking in Ticino. The image and sound are brutally affected by the action reminding an extension of haptic senses by a stick and creating a piece which is hard to analyze for artificial intelligence and only valuable for the humans so far. The materiality of reproduction becomes apparent by the compression and stabilization mechanisms out of whack, affecting the sort of ecstatic footage. Please set the playback quality to HD (needs to be done manually).