Tomáš Klepoch

  • Slovakia (b. 1981 in Bratislava)
  • Currently in Bratislava, Slovakia.
  • Visual artist, graphic artist and illustrator. The basis of his artistic creations is figural drawing used in free graphics (linocut, woodcut, monotype), illustrations as well as in his monumental realizations.



  • 2013
  • Bet on me! (Vsaď si na mňa!) - thumbnail Feeder (Kŕmitko) 5 - thumbnail Diplomatic mailbox - thumbnail

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    Majland | 2013

(ENG) Majland is an equivoke of “my land” and “majland” - “wealth” (colloquially said in Slovak language). The author ironizes his own position as a racing horse in the art world. “Bet on me” as on a good tip, good artist, and bring me success, which is a common phenomenon on the art scene with some artists chosing financial profit as the leitmotiv of their starting careers. Installation “Diplomatic mail” is kind of inverse 3D environment showing things usually hidden from our sights and out of our reach (like selfie with the Queen of England or a gift from Prince of Arab Emirates). Between them we find echoes of pictures from the personal life: two people living as a family without a real family, “grilled” to the bitter end of their relationship on a family barbecue. Feeders - small architectures serving to feed the animals. Consecutive increase of number of the dead animals suggest somebody killing them by an attempt to feed themselves. Are we observing the scene from the position of the killer? (SK) Majland je slovná hračka: my land - moja krajina a “majland” ako bohatstvo. Autor ironizuje svoju pozíciu samého seba ako dostihového koňa v galerijnom svete. “Vsaď si na mňa” ako na dobrý tip, dobrého umelca a prines mi bohatstvo - častý jav na umeleckej scéne, kedy si umelci zvolia finančný úspech ako hlavný leitmotív kariéry. Inštaláca “Diplomatic mail” je akoby vnútornou stranou tohoto sveta, trojrozmerná realizácia niečoho, na čo nemáme dosah, plná zdanlivo dôležitých obrazov (selfie s anglickou kráľovnou, obraz daru princa Arabských emirátov). Medzi tieto drevorezy sú vložené výjavy letmých, ale vnútorne skľučujúcich osobných tém, vyprázdneného vzťahu dvoch ľudí žijúcich ako rodina, ale bez skutočnej rodiny. Postupné pregrilovanie sa do záhuby. To, čo sa stáva na začiatku cieľom, na konci je bozkom smrti. Dve kurence z rodinnej opekačky postupne opečené do tla. Kŕmitka - sú zariadenia, malé architektúry slúžiace na výkrm zvierat. Postupne pribúdajúce mŕtve zvieratá pravdepodobne niekto zabíja pri pokuse nažrať sa z pripravenej pasce. Pozeráme z vrahovho zorného poľa?