Tatiana Takáčová

  • Slovakia (b. 1987 in Košice)
  • Currently in Košice, Slovakia.
  • Fine art photographer besed on Slovakia. Her artwork is a fine balance between staged and conceptual photography and is focused primarily on scientific knowledge about psychology, sociology and the analysis of photographic visual language.
5F/ Mental Disorders

5F/ Mental Disorders

  • 2010
  • Digital Photograph
  • 105 x 70 cm

  • The cycle of stage photographs represents the scientific knowledge of Psychology about personality disorders. This photographs are illustrations of a specific diseases that are interesting for its behavior - Depression, OCD, Disociative disease.

  • 1depresia42x28
  • 3. 20obsessive compulsive 20disorder 20(ocd)
  • 2disociativna 20porucha42x28
  • 5F/ Mental Disorders - thumbnail

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    Vnútorný pohľad/ Innew View | 2010

Fotografie inscenujú vedecké poznatky z oblasti psychológie o psychických poruchách osobnosti. Obsedantno-kompulzívna porucha, depresia, schizoidná porucha, disociatívna porucha a paranoja sú poruchy pre autorku zaujímavé svojím priebehom, celkovým správaním, životným štýlom a taktiež možnosťou vidieť realitu “ich pohľadom“. Nie je to snaha o vcítenie sa do ľudí trpiacich týmito poruchami, ale ich vizuálna ilustrácia na základe objektívnych lekárskych textov. The cycle of stage photographs represents the scientific knowledge of Psychology about personality disorders.This photographs are illustrations of a specific diseases that are interesting for its behavior - Depression, Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), Disociative disease. The entire series contain more two photograph - Paranoia, Schizoid disease.