Penelope Vlassopoulou

  • Greece (b. 1977 in Athens)
  • Currently in Athens, Greece.
  • Multidisciplinary artist exploring the poetic potential of urban elements and the city as a link to common human experience.


  • 2014
  • 300 min

  • Documentation of traces of the 1999 NATO bombing. Sites visited and documented on April 27, 2014: 1. Usce Tower 2. Museum of Contemporary Art 3. Radio Television Serbia Headquarter 4. Federal Ministry of Defense 5. Federal Ministry of Interior

  • 119
  • 3 radio 20station 204
  • 56
  • 1999 - thumbnail Constellation - thumbnail Metamorphosis/Belgrade, Trace A, Imrovisation XIV - thumbnail Metamorphosis/Belgrade, Trace A, Imrovisation XIX - thumbnail

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    Metamorphosis/Belgrade | 2014

Work having as point of departure Belgrade's urban environment. The practice of improvisations is continued and documentation material in relation to the 1999 NATO bombings is collected.