Michael Raymond León

  • United States (b. 1984 in Santa barbara)
  • Currently in Los Angeles, United States.
Tigré of the North

Tigré of the North

  • 2015
  • Oil on Canvas, Acrylic on Canvas, Video Sculpture, Ceramics, Tapestries, Found Objects
  • Tigre of The North - thumbnail Tigré of The North - thumbnail Tigré of the North - thumbnail Tigré of The North - thumbnail

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    Tigré of The North | 2015

The work is based on the actual events of my fathers border crossing from Mexico to Texas during a road to to visit our family in Mexico City. The narrative deals with the "One Legged Man" that crossed my father into texas in only 5 min and how when my father turned to thank the young "One Legged Man" he was not there. My interest in the story deals with the issues of borders and Mesoamerican mythology of the promise land of Aztlan and the feathered serpent Quetzalcoatl.