Juraj&Ivan Dudáš

  • Slovakia (b. 2000 in Trnava)
  • Currently in Trnava SVK, Olomouc CZ, Slovakia.
  • DUDAS BROTHERS Juraj (*1975) and Ivan (*1980) Dudas are Slovak visual artists in media object, video installation, texts installations and performance.
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    ISOLATION | 2015


I wondered about what all could cause isolation. I was thinking about how the isolation affects an individual in the society, respectively how behave the society, which is isolated from its surroundings - what all affects it, what becomes the action and what the reaction. Reflection was accompanied by keywords / characters and they together create structure / the post-structural poem. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Premýšľal som, o tom, čo všetko spôsobuje izolácia. Rozmýšľal som nad tým, ako ovplyvňuje izolácia jedinca v spoločnosti, resp. ako sa chová spoločnosť, ktorá je izolovaná od svojho okolia - čo všetko ju postihuje, čo sa stáva akciou a čo reakciou. Úvahu sprevádzali kľúčové slová / znaky a tie vytvárali štruktúru/ post-štrukturálnu báseň.