Tamara Moyzes

  • Slovakia (b. 1975 in Bratislava)
  • Currently in Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Tamara Moyzes' last projects (Artivism) are related to activism and happenings. Moyzes present her strategies concerning her actions in public space and her reaction to actual and social issues, related to the use of media as a tool for political art.


Czech delegation at Yad Vashem / Česká delegace v památniku Jad Vašem

Czech delegation at Yad Vashem / Česká delegace v památniku Jad Vašem

  • 2011

  • The action was against the position of Ladislav Bátora who served at that time an high official position at the Ministry of Education and holds racist and xenophobic views.

  • 4410277 demonstrace proti batorovi v jad vasem
  • Yadvashem
  • Ceske noviny batora jad vasem
  • Czech delegation at Yad Vashem / Česká delegace v památniku Jad Vašem  - thumbnail

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    Česká delegace v památniku Jad Vašem / Czech delegation at Yad Vashem | 2011

Tamara Moyzes / 5 kolona Česká delegace v památniku Jad Vašem / Czech delegation at Yad Vashem 2011 Foto: Zdroj ČTK Audio: Zdroj Český Rozhlas Blízkovýchodní zpravodaj Českého rozhlasu Břetislav Tureček „Czech delegation at Yad Vashem“ was built as a "demonstration" in the time that the delegation came to visit the Holocaust memorial “Yad Vashem“ in Jerusalem, Israel. Among the members of the delegation participated the minister of Education Josef Dobeš. The action was against the position of Ladislav Bátora who served at that time an high official position at the Ministry of Education and holds racist and xenophobic views. This event was very well received by the media and demonstrating the visibility of the respective positions on this issue. Akce Yad Vashem byla vystavěna jako „demonstrace“ před památníkem holocaustu v Izraeli proti postavení Ladislava Bátory ve vysoké funkci na ministerstvu školství ČR, který zastává rasistické a xenofobií názory. Tato akce měla velký ohlas v médiích a demonstrující zviditelnili jednotlivé postoje k této problematice.