Juraj&Ivan Dudáš

  • Slovakia (b. 2000 in Trnava)
  • Currently in Trnava SVK, Olomouc CZ, Slovakia.
  • DUDAS BROTHERS Juraj (*1975) and Ivan (*1980) Dudas are Slovak visual artists in media object, video installation, texts installations and performance.


  • 2008
  • Lightbox, wood, sound

  • Podpalaci
  • Podpalaci02
  • Podpalaco03
  • Arsonit - thumbnail

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    ARSONIST | 2008

We chose professions that are on the borderline of social / toilet cleaners, ushers / and some behind the border of law / arsonists, cleansers /. 
Why do we address the theme of employment, we saw in these issue parallels with bad social situation in Slovakia, while inspiration for have become real situations which happened such as cause of aciders , aggression of radical football fans of Spartak Trnava, station toilets, as well as car arsonists and warehouses etc. Meanwhile, we think about the role of artists in society, what everything he/she has to do to survive, to manage to feed his/her family, pay mortgages, annuities, rents, leasing phones whether this is even possible to devote only to art. If art that he/she would like the produce fails not only into the position of interest circlet of leisure activities. It's a balancing act on the social edge, the forfeiture to the left or to the right is just a matter of one invalid step. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vyberali sme povolania, ktoré su na hranici socialna /hajzlopucery, biletári/ resp. za hranicu legálnosti / podpaľači, čističi /. Prečo sme sa rozhodli zaoberať sa témou zamestnaní? Videli sme v tejto téme paralely so zlou sociálnou situáciou na Slovensku. Inšpiráciu sme našli v mnohých témach z reálneho života, napríklad kauza kyselinárov, agresivita radikálnych futbalových fanúšikov Spartak Trnava, staničné toalety alebo podpaľači áut, skladov atď. Zároveň sme sa zamýšľali nad úlohou umelca v spoločnosti. Uvažovali sme o tom, čo všetko musí urobiť, aby prežil - zvládal uživiť rodinu, splácať hypotéku, nájom, telefóny, lízingy, či iné splátky. Zamýšľali sme sa nad tím, či je toho všetkého vôbec schopný, ak by sa venoval iba umeniu. Nedostáva sa umenie, ktoré by rád produkoval iba do polohy záujmového krúžku, resp. akejsi voľno časovej aktivity? Je to balansovanie na sociálnej hrane, kedy prepadnutie sa doľava, či doprava je iba otázkou jedného nesprávneho kroku.