Camilla Thanh Men Lundquist

  • Sweden (b. 1991 in Räng)
  • Currently in Helsingborg, Sweden.
  • Artist from Sweden/Vietnam.


  • 2014
  • 30 min, 0 sec

  • 10 sculptures of Nordic Bronze Age shamanistic masks called Helkappes used as tools to establish communication with the other world. I use them during a performance to reflect on the longing for communication.

  • Helkappe 20exhibition 20closeup
  • Helkappe 20exhibition 20closeup3
  • 471195938 200x150
  • Helkappe  - thumbnail Untitled Mountain - thumbnail Untitled Lacquer Painting - thumbnail

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    Ritual Ramblings | 2014

A series of work all linked by a performance. A Vietnamese lacquer painting inspired by the "Mirror of truth", a mirror in the Buddhist underworld that reflects and judges your truth in the afterlife. A Vietnamese coated lacquer sculpture taken from the idea of the mountain of knives in the Buddhist underworld which we all must pass as a form of punishment to find peace. And a group of masks inspired by the Helkappe, a mask used by Nordic Bronze Age shamans in order to communicate with spirits.