Jakub Tajovský

  • Czech Republic (b. 1991 in Havlíčkův brod)
  • Currently in Brno, Czech Republic.
  • My work is based on experimental design of painting, customized for shifting the unhuman gestures and visual imagination of culture - nature relationships .
Fluid recording I

Fluid recording I

  • 2021
  • Glup on Wood, Wood
  • *Glup is the acrylic paint with special mechanical properties of non-newtonian fluid. This material has been developed by J. Tajovský
  • 60 x 150 cm

  • Dripping painting where expressive gestures reduced by special tool which perform inert qualities of paint and pure gravitational force. Instead of inscription of human body Fluid recording produces alternative sets of figures or landscapes.
  • Powerplant - thumbnail Many faces of dark matter - thumbnail Cogito ergo sum - thumbnail Atmosphere - thumbnail Fluid recording II - thumbnail Fluid recording I  - thumbnail Geoid - thumbnail

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    Drip do pole | 2021

"Drip do pole" is a cycle of paintings that function as a fields for the manifestation of matter and tools as the main agents of material intelligence. internal qualities of materials and tools, represent a set of possibilities and limitations which, as a painter-mediator, I organize into forms of intuitive visual language.