Nikolett Balázs

  • Hungary (b. 1990 in Budapest)
  • Currently in Budapest, Hungary.


  • 2019
  • industrial foam, bitumen, wire

  • 95 X 65 cm

  • Inside
  • Inside2
  •  - thumbnail THEY DON'T TALK TO EACH OTHER - thumbnail RELIC - thumbnail UNGOVERNABLE - thumbnail INSIDE - thumbnail SELF SUPPORT - thumbnail SUGARCOATED - thumbnail ATHENA - thumbnail CONSTELLATION - thumbnail

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    SENSATION SESSION solo show | 2019

Tactility is the protagonist at the latest single exhibition of Nikolett Balázs entitled Sensation Session. Her installations specific to their unique space can be interpreted as reversing immateriality caused by our modern world overwhelmed by digitalization. The expressive abstraction of her works, the sensual overgrowth of the used materials all tell a story of how our memories and feelings become tangible. In the framework of Négyszoba Galéria (Four Rooms’ Gallery), the network of works embraces a calligraphic system, on the confines of painting and sculpture. On view: 2019. 10. 24. - 11. 18. Curator: Zsófia Danka Opening speech: Délia Vékony