Lenka Stepankova

  • Czech Republic (b. 1990 in Znojmo)
  • Currently in Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Lenka Stepankova is currently studying in the doctoral program at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague in the studio of Intermedia of Michal Pěchouček and Dominik Gajarský.
  •  - thumbnail Twenty five and One Nights - thumbnail

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    Twenty five and One Nights | 2019

Night after night I tell a tale. As soon as I finish the tale I begin another one. This goes on for twenty and one nights. Art installation in Cyprus college of Art September 26th 2019. My approach to this site-specific installation was to bring together works combining symbols and motifs full of ironic references to high culture and low, and to use clichés in their raw state, such as a cezve to make Turkish/Cyprus coffee, palm trees, wild cats, magical carpet, pomegranate symbolizing fertility and so on. It also refers to everyday situations, the so called “plaisirs du jour” to escape the reality for a moment and get in a state of daydreaming which later sinks later to the routine of daily life. This approach does not want to belittle national identity, it rather manifests itself by unmasking current social and political problems, it reveals contradictions and so disrupts presence. The residency took place from the 3rd September to the 1st October, 2019, resulting in a final exhibition at the College.