Marketa Wagnerova

  • Czech Republic (b. 1988 in Vlašim)
  • Currently in Hrísey, Iceland.
  • Filmmaker and performance artist focusing on the theme of mutations of spirituality in nowadays existence.

The Dickhead

  • 2018

  • Dickhead is a phantom of vernissages and other cultural events or parties whose message can be summed up with a simple sentence: Don´t act like dicks!

  • 0
  • Untitled 1
  • Dsc 4624
  • The Dickhead - thumbnail

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    The Dickhead | 2018

After the Glastonbury festival, where he was born of faeces and litter, he read Jan Záležák´s “Apocalypse Me” to irritated litter-pickers who were also high as a kite and unfairly sacked from their jobs, therefore the money they made often did not even cover their travelling costs. But truth to be said, there were nearly 500 of them and they were lucky to hear out words of the intellectual from Brno. In order to make the Zalešák´s text more comprehensible, Dickhead mixed it with quotes from the Tao Te Ching. During a certain vernissage at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Brno, paintings of penises were exhibited and unlike other visitors Dickhead was uncritically excited about them. During the introductory speech of Pavel Sterec he got high from huffing the lighter fluid and therefore the visitors considered him to be a part of the exhibition and the installation, not a visitor like them. Tripldikr also attended a lecture of Kateřina Šedá (KAŠE), where he tried to acquire an apology from her for messing up the UNESCO project she realized in Český Krumlov. It needs to be said that Dickhead lived there for two decades and then in Cejl and Líšeň for a year, therefore he has much in common with KAŠE, except for the face. The female artist did not apologise and so Dickhead cut his hand at least and donated one euro, a few pennies and złoty coins to UNESCO. But in this case, Dickhead´s message should be reworded as follows: “Kateřina, please, don´t take us for dicks!” Dickhead also prompted stormy reactions at BLOODY SEXY HELLOWEEN party, where he tried to win the prize for the best costume with the assistance of pig´s blood and five hundred ballots of Miloš Zeman. He narrowly failed to win. In Belgrade, at certain vernissage, Dickhead organised a small workshop on the topic of Mixtape, or how to carry out an assignment of such name. Using a kitchen blender and a tape he created a wild, nearly-uncontrollable rotating fury endangering everyone and everything nearby. And since he has been born not so long ago, he was also one of the characters of the Džok film´s protagonist. Other cultural events certainly lie before Dickhead, it all just depends on whether or not he will be willing to attend any.