Exhibition: Jan 27, 2017

No.3: Milan Mazúr


Online exhibition: www.knotgallery.net/?page_id=91
curator: Viktor Čech
HD video, animation, sound, 03:39 min, 2017

  • 615031879 200x150
  • P1750033
  • P1750051

Čakáme drámu. Očakávame drámu. Nie je to dráma. Je to hra. Konštrukt, pri ktorej hráme hry.
Nádych je reakcia, slovo je reakcia, takisto mlčanie je reakcia. Prišla situácia, kedy netreba nič
povedať? Teraz? Ale my sme očákavali. Tu drámu, tú rýchlosť, ten šok. Šok je ale len mýtus.
Online stereotyp, čas a voda.

We are waiting for the drama. We expect the drama. It’s not a drama. It’s a game. Construct in which we play games.
The breath is a reaction, the word is a reaction, also the silence is a reaction. Is it a situation, where nothing needs to be
said? Now? But we expected. The drama, the speed, the shock. The shock is only a myth.
Online stereotype, time and water.

Milan Mazúr



  • Jan 27, 2017


  • knot gallery
  • Prague, Czech Republic, Czech Republic