Exhibition: Dec 16, 2014 - Jan 16, 2015

The Celeste Choice


Dario Carratta, Andrea Fiorino, Laloba (Anna Crescenzi e Renata Petti),
Emmy Mikelson, Zoi Pappa, Luana Perilli, SR Studiolab (Fabrizio Strada e Mirko Rinaldi) Sulltane Tusha, Rashid Uri

""Today, if you want my opinion, everything is free, 
the games are made, and we collectively find again 
there in front of the crucial matter:
what to do after the orgy?" Jean Baudrillard 

The Format – Contemporary Culture Gallery is proud to announce: “The Celeste Choice” Group Show with Dario Carratta, Andrea Fiorino, Laloba, Emmy Mikelson, Zoi Pappa, Luana Perilli, SR Studiolab, Sulltane Tusha, Rashid Uri, curated by Guido Cabib. Opening 16 Dicembre 2014 ore 18.00 .

Starting from the question of Baudrillard (1988), "what to do after the orgy?", we have selected a series of works (paintings, photo and installations) and artists that participated in the Celeste Prize, Italian and International, to exhibit in our space in Milan.

As always, the great visionaries forget that their visions of the present are in reality visions of the future. On one side the collective accepts it only when it is already in action and on the other side, since the age of the Internet in 1988, it is accepted as soon as it dawns. The orgy has not ended. The orgy is still current and it is worldwide.

The information society that emerged from the industrial society, is starting to remove the society from which it was born. A small number of people are busy inside the productive industrial and a greater number are always busy in the tertiary sectors. As the history of civilization teaches us, every technological innovation that evolves a system of communication among people (to start from the wheel) produces a crisis as it happens, a general acceleration, in which all perceptions of reality and with them the life of human beings, is destabilized.

All the selected artists are united by their research that predominantly addresses questions that spring from the personal perception of life. This marvelous thread unites them all, because the art is poetry, vision and soul. These doubts and fears are disclosed to our eyes through the artists' works -- this is the goal of art.

The paintings of Emmy Mikelson (USA), Zoi pappa (Greece), Sullltane Tusha (Italy), Andrea Fiorino (Italy), Dario Carratta (Italy); the installations of Luana Perilli and the duo LALOBA (Anna Crescenzi and Renata Petti) (Italy) and finally the photographic image of the duo SR Studiolab (Fabrizio Strada and Mirko Rinaldi), help us to be aware of the difficulties that humanity is crossing, without fearing the jump into the next future, because the strength of the human being resides in the intellect and in the certainty of our history.

Periodo: dal 16 Dicembre al 16 Gennaio 2015
Opening : 16 Dicembre 2014 ore 18.00
Orari di apertura: dal martedi al venerdì ore 15 / 20 o su appuntamento
Indirizzo: Milano Via G.E.Pestalozzi 10, intero 32.
Info: email: theformatculturegallery@gmail.com



  • Dec 16, 2014 - Jan 16, 2015


  • The Format Gallery
  • Milano, Italy